Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Statement My Trust - 1410 Words

Everyday we put our trust into almost everything around us. Whether it be family members, friends, teachers, or even something as simple as a seatbelt- we trust it. The idea of having trust issues seems to be a common occurrence nowadays. Everything is built on trust. When a person lacks the ability or desire to trust, daily life can even become a challenging task to accomplish. Having complete trust in something is easier said than done, especially when it comes to something you can t see. Trusting in God is one of the most challenging tasks I have ever come across in my entire life, and I will admit that without any hesitation. God has a plan for every life, and through the struggles of life I have learned to trust in God. During the summer of 2015 my trust in God was put to the test. I was woken up to the sound of my dad yelling for me from downstairs. I quickly jumped out of bed and walked to the top of the stairs where I was greeted with the statement of something bad has happen ed. My brain began to scan all of the possible scenarios that could have unfolded to equal the bad thing that has happened, but before I could come to a conclusion my dad intervened: Your cousin was driving drunk last night and hit another car head on, he s in the ICU as of right now. Keep in mind, growing up I was the closest to my cousin out of anyone in my family. He is what I like to call the brother I never had, and I the sister he never had. He is and still will be the person I canShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : My Trust1411 Words   |  6 PagesEvery day we put our trust in almost everything around us. Whether it be family members, friends, teachers, or even something as simple as a seatbelt- we trust it. The idea of having trust issues seems to be a common occurrence nowadays. Everything is built on trust. 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