Sunday, May 17, 2020

Slavery Should Be Illegal Is A Wise One Essay - 1029 Words

1. I think that Lincoln’s choice to stand by his conclusion that slavery should be illegal is a wise one because he examines all sides of the arguments before coming to his conclusion. I think that even though the civil war costs 600,000 American lives, it also probably saved thousands of the slave’s lives. As long as one thinks critically and reviews all of the outcomes and all sides of the arguments of the situation, then I think that you should go for it instead of backing downB Unless, the outcomes are worse than the situation itself. An example could be a teacher arguing that students should be allowed to pray in schools. They should review all of the outcomes and all sides of the arguments before they make that decision. One outcome may be her/him getting fired, or people’s feelings may get hurt because of their differentiation of religions. 1. The questions I would ask for â€Å"b† in genetic engineering of food, would be: What is genetic engineering of food? How will this affect my health? Where does this happen? The question I would ask for â€Å"c† in cohabitation among college students, would be: What is cohabitation? Can it hurt someone? Is this morally right or wrong? The questions I would ask for â€Å"e† in global warming, would be: What is global warming? How can I learn more about it? What can I do to help? Finally, for â€Å"I† the questions I would ask for illegal immigration are: Why do people immigrate illegally? What causes people to want to move? How can we help thoseShow MoreRelatedThe Abolishment of Slavery Essay934 Words   |  4 PagesAbolishment of Slavery Slavery was caused by economic factors of the English settlers in the late 17th century. Colonists continually tried to allure laborers to the colony. The head right system was to give the indentured servant, a method of becoming independent after a number of years of service. Slavery was caused by economic reasons. 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